A Look at the History of Prostitution in Seattle Seattle’s relationship with prostitution is a tale as old as time—or at least as old as the city itself. It’s a story of scandal, resilience, and plenty of eyebrow-raising antics. From its gold-rush glory days to modern debates about decriminalization, Seattle’s red-light history is a mix of grit, glam, and moral …
Keep Your Loved Ones Close and Cherish Them
In a world caught in the whirlwind of transformation, where political storms surge and everythingseems upside down, the old rules don’t apply. Left has traded places with right, up is down, andit’s hard to tell friend from foe. We’re all asking the same questions: Will there be enough foodfor everyone? Will our homes still stand when the next disaster strikes? …
Prophecy of Aquarius: Where is the Age of Enlightenment?
The Age of Aquarius—a prophecy of collective enlightenment—seems almost ironic in a world that hasn’t felt so divided. This so-called “Prophecy of Aquarius” places spiritual meaning on the astronomical precession of the equinoxes. Its a fascinating blend of astronomy, spirituality, and a vision of collective consciousness. It promises a new era of enlightenment and interconnection. A time when we, as …
Tit for Tat: Mass Deportations on the Horizon. Buckle up, America!
With Republicans sweeping the presidential election, Supreme Court, Senate, and House, it’s full steam ahead for Trump and company’s big, bad deportation dreams. There’s already talk that this could be the biggest mass deportation in U.S. history—officials are claiming millions of people could be affected by this wave of policies in 2025. Millions. Just let that sink in. But let’s …
You’ll Never Hear This in Your Church
Here comes Donald Trump with his latest grift. Now, after fingering starlets, sneaking into pageant dressing room to checks out 15-year-old participants, and then continuing his hooker-a-month pattern, despite the fact we’ve never once seen him inside a church other than for a photo op; he’s now saying buy my “God Bless the USA Bibles”. These bibles are edited, incorporating political …
Dressing for the Divine
In a world hurtling towards chaos and teetering on the brink of collapse, we’re left reviewing the rituals and customs ingrained in our societies to find what brings us into the future and what’s holding us back. One practice holding us back is our devotion to dressing up for the divine and the fairytale “hereafter.” Our culture is composed of …